Just as we all have made the switch to compact fluorescent bulbs (I hope!), along come LED light bulbs, which are now the most energy efficient, eco-friendly, and long lasting. And they are affordable!
LED bulbs last about 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs and 3 times longer than CFLs. LED bulbs and diodes have a life time operational expectation of about 30,000 hours, or 11 years of continuous operation or 22 years of 50%. Imagine not changing a light bulb but once every 20 years or more!
What’s more, you can cut your electric bill by 80 – 90%. With a LED bulb, at least 60% of the electrical energy is converted to light. Conventional incandescent bulbs convert 20% or less into light and the rest is lost as heat, which is why they are so hot to touch.
There are also more advantages. CFL bulbs take a few minutes to brighten. LEDs are bright immediately. The color of the LED lights has improved immensely too - you can choose either whiter or warmer bulbs. .
Unlike CFLs, which contain toxic mercury, LED lights are free of toxic chemicals with zero UV emissions.